Friday, February 20, 2015

She must be feeling good

This morning I elected to turn Ruby out at the same time as the other horses.  I have only done this a few times since her injury, mostly because there can sometimes be a traffic jam at the pasture gate as everyone tries to get through.

As Heather and I were herding everyone towards the gate, Ruby started galloping towards the gate...but not straight in, no she came at it from a 90 degree angle.  There was no reason for her to rush the gate, as there were no other horses around so I fully expected her to slow down and trot carefully through the gate.  And I was wrong.  She came galloping straight down the fence line and somehow managed to pivot on her hinds to make that 90 degree turn and go flying down the fence line into the pasture.  She made the turn so sharp in order to miss the Puddle of Horrors.

The best picture I have of the pasture gate and the puddle.  Ruby came galloping from the right, pivoted in the sandy, low spot in front of the gate, and continued galloping down the fence line straight ahead.
I brought her back into the barnyard to look for swelling or other signs that her right hind had suffered any new damage, but nothing so far.  I'll continue to watch her closely for a few days...if nothing comes about from this little stunt, I'd say she is ready to start riding again regularly.  Nothing strenuous - just enough to keep her brain screwed in until we are cleared again for real work. Oh, Ruby, I see arena 'work' in your near future (cue angry mare face now).

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