Friday, May 30, 2014

The Rubes

Known also as Ruby, Psycho, Crazy Horse, Redhead, Freckles, Wonderful - there are others.  The swelling has gone down a bit and she was cleared to ride yesterday, so we went on another trail ride today.

It was just me and Heather today and the plan was to go to Lower Green Swamp.  On my way to the barn, Heather told me that she'd haul since Lee wasn't going to make it.  At the time I thought I should offer to hook my truck up anyways, but it turned out to be a blessing that I didn't...

It was a great morning to go riding - mostly overcast, a nice breeze, and definitely cooler than earlier in the week.  The first mile or so though, Ruby was being seriously bothered by large biting flies. I sprayed her heavily with fly spray before leaving the trailer, and put Swat under her eyes, on the bridge of her nose, on her ears and even her udder.  I have got to find a horse-hair swatter and some tassels already!  At one point I had to get off due to a particularly tenacious fly - when I found him, he was biting her belly but a well-placed flick sent him on his way.

The biting flies pretty much stopped when we got the area where cows are allowed to graze, perhaps because they had something else to snack on.  Anyway, we ended up having a good ride with some trotting thrown in: 5.7 miles, moving time 1:37, average speed 3.5 mph, fastest speed 11 mph.

According to Strava, I have trail ridden Ruby a total of 45.4 miles - crazy that she's come so far already.  I wonder if I should throw a party when we hit 100? Hmmm.

So, we got the ponies packed up and back home without incident.  Then I had to give Ruby her banamine - she was so unbelievably pissed at me, she even pinned her ears and ignored me when I left.  It probably didn't help that I laughed at her expression though :)  Anyway, I got to my truck and started to leave when I realized that something was very wrong...Yep, I have a flat.  I'm so grateful that it didn't happen when pulling the trailer.  So, after the vet bill yesterday and a new truck tire today, I'm pretty well broke *sigh* 

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