Tuesday, May 26, 2015

She likes to keep me on my toes

When I got out to the barn yesterday morning, I found this:

That's a deep hole in my mare's chest.  She had just come in from the pasture, so three of us canvassed it, looking for anything that Ruby could have impaled herself on to cause a wound like this...and we found nothing, because my horse has talent.  It must have happened just before I got there because when I arrived she was moving fine, but by the time the vet got to the barn she was in obvious pain.

The vet felt around in the wound for foreign objects, gave her a tetanus shot, a shot of antibiotics, some oral antibiotics, and some Symbiont to squirt into the wound twice a day with instructions to cold hose before Symbiont application.  He didn't want to stitch because of how much it was already draining. 

Ruby was a trooper for Heather during doctoring last night, and was equally good for me today - even standing without being tied while I cold-hosed, applied the Symbiont, and put SWAT around the wound in an attempt to keep the flies at bay.  Then it was time for a 15 minute walk, to help with drainage (there is a good bit of edema below it)...and this is what I got.

Ruby's irritated face
She's a thinking type and gets pouty when she doesn't see the point in something.  For example, she loves being out on the trail and seems to see the purpose in that, but hates doing circles in an arena.  Today, that meant she realized I had to treat her wound but had no idea why we were walking in (boring) circles around the barnyard.  This would irritate some people, but I find it amusing.  She concedes, but it's rarely with good grace lol. 

She's on bute so I've picked up some ulcer-guard pellets and probios.  There was a gross smell coming from her wound (not a dead smell, but an old smell).  I texted the vet who said it was okay for today but if it persists into tomorrow, he'll need to come back out.  He said it should close up in a week and a half or so.  Crossing fingers.



    Healing thoughts your direction!

  2. I'm glad the timing worked out so that you caught that immediately because I h my God that's a nasty wound.
    Ruby, stop being a Calamity Jane please! Sending all the healing thoughts!

  3. Thanks ladies. It smelled marginally better this evening but still looks awful. Wish I knew what happened.

  4. Omg I felt faint just seeing the pic! Glad she is ok and hope she heals quickly!
