Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It's a beautiful thing

Now that I'm actively working on myself (and know exactly what to work on), our rides are getting better and better.

Yesterday, Ruby and I accompanied Heather and Candy on a fence-mending venture.  Ruby was so unbelievably full of herself that I couldn't help but laugh.  She was having the damnedest time standing still, so we did a few laps of the pasture at a speedy trot.  She broke into a canter at one point, as we came around a tree from one pasture to the next, crazy mare.  Towards the end of the ride she finally rediscovered her ability to stand still.

The very aptly named Beauty Berry bush - I can't quite get the colors right but the berries are a very bright purple.  Supposedly, though fairly tasteless, they make a great jelly.

Wondering what all the fuss is about.
Today was supposed to just be an arena ride.  We did a few laps walking while I two-pointed, then moved into a trot.  It was the most beautiful, balanced trot.  She slowed down, lifted her back, it was fantastic - we even were able to weave between some barrels.  When I asked her stop, I praised her profusely and gave her a cookie (I know, I know!), then asked her to walk on...She kicked out with her left hind so I kicked her with my heels.  At that, she kicked out again and squealed at me.  Oh, mare.  We worked for another 10-15 minutes at a working trot, then I dismounted and walked her to the round pen.  There, we round-penned for another 10 minutes or so - enough that she was asking to stop after an initial fit.  I tied her and went to retrieve our road-riding gear (vest and reflective leg wraps).  I put her wraps on and asked her to trot for another lap or two so she could get used to the feeling, then we went out for a road ride.

I brought a crop for the first time, ever.  I have no issue with smacking a horse that really needs it, and I wanted to have the ability to bring the thunder if she tried something stupid/dangerous while we were out - I absolutely hated that I felt the need to bring it, though.  She tried to balk a few times as we were heading out so I popped her lightly with the crop and I didn't have to use it again.  She was very good on our little jaunt.  It's weird, it's almost as if she forgets that she enjoys getting out until she finally relaxes into it.  

So, our rides are getting better besides this one issue.  I'm thinking I should probably bring a longe line to use before rides when we are riding by ourselves.  This way, I can really check to see where she's at mentally and correct any problems before heading down the trail. 

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