Friday, January 16, 2015

Name change

I've been thinking about a name change for a while now.  "Back in the Saddle" was fine, if completely unoriginal, when I just started getting back into horses, but it no longer fits with where Ruby and I are at this point in time.  So here we are.  The name could change multiple times in the next few days, or not.  Time will tell.  For now, I can think of no better title to describe my (total lack of) status in the sport of endurance.


  1. The new title is catchy! I also do like "Endurance Wannabe" like in your Blogger address. :) You technically *are* a green bean! ;) I think you're considered a green bean until you complete your first ride.

    1. What I was thinking was: can I be a green bean if I'm not even training for a ride yet? Endurance is something that I've wanted to do for so long...and here I am, no closer to doing my first ride than I was a few years years ago. It's okay though - it's just not my time yet. I am looking forward to my first intro ride (I know that I will make it to one at some point!). At that time, I'll consider myself finally a green bean :)

  2. I like the new title, but I agree with Saiph about Endurance Wannabe being a good title too:)

    1. Thanks for the input, Gail :) I'll think on it for a few days.
