Thursday, January 1, 2015

And today...

Not a good start to 2015.  When I put Ruby's boots on this morning, I noticed that she immediately cocked her left hind.  This is abnormal so I started checking out her leg and realized that she has some heat and very slight swelling on the front of the joint....can I please get a break?  Please?!

And, I've needed to mentally regroup after the knock-down, drag-out that Vegas and I went through the other day (it wasn't really that bad but it felt that way).  Besides that, I was pretty damn sore the next day from being yanked around.  And it's been dreary and rainy, which makes me not want to go outside.  So, I've been checking her over, cleaning her stall, throwing her hay, but that's it.  I got a text this evening requesting that I call one of the boarders as soon as possible.  When I called, I discovered that Vegas had taken out her stall door, again...From what I was told, she ate her dinner, nickered at someone walking past her stall, and decided she wanted out.  She attempted to jump the stall door and bent it all to hell - luckily she was not injured.  Two of the other boarders put up another door for me.  Jennie is going to come out tomorrow to watch me work with Vegas and give me some pointers.  Vegas is so used to throwing her weight around that I worry about her.  If she doesn't get over this, I can't see her getting adopted.

Happy, healing (and in Vegas' case, tractable!) thoughts would be appreciated for both the girls.  


  1. Jesus, what an awful day. You do need a break. :( Healing thoughts for both of the girls, and behave-yourself thoughts for Vegas! I hope Ruby's swelling is nothing and goes away STAT!

    1. Thanks Nicole. Ruby's hock seems fine now, no heat, no swelling, phew!
