Friday, October 9, 2015

Other hobbies

Well, since I'm in between horse stories for the moment (waiting on my Skito!), I thought I'd write about something else.  Hobbies.  I have many.  There are just so many things that I'm interested in, so many things that I like to do or would like to do...I always have something going on.  Part of my problem is that I hate sitting still.  Even watching TV in the evenings, winding down, I like to be doing something.  That's just me.  Horses are #1 (easily!), but here are a few other things I enjoy. 

Archery: my husband took me to a Sportsman's Warehouse about five years ago and asked me to pick out a compound bow for myself.  He'd had one for a year or so and thought I'd like it...I was skeptical.  Turns out that I really do enjoy it.  And I'm pretty good at it.  I have lots of bulls-eye pics, but I like this one best, although it is blurry.

My husband and I were at the shooting range.  Tired of shooting at flat targets, we came up with a game.  First, we shot at kitty's paw (notice it's sticking out), but that was too easy as well.  We decided to turn the cat and aim for the nose.  My husband is a good shot, but I totally whipped him that day.  I can shoot a gun as well, but much prefer my bow - it's quiet, it requires a slightly different skill set, and you can re-use your ammo - I am a bit of a cheapskate, yes, lol.  I haven't hunted yet, but plan to at some point in the future.  No trophy hunting for me, I won't shoot what I don't plan to eat.  My bow ranks up in the top three inanimate objects that I would hate to live without, the other two being my fugly, but still fabulous, truck and my saddle. 

Knitting/crochet - I taught myself to do both; knitting probably seven years ago, crochet one year ago.  It keeps me busy when I have to be inside and quiet (late in the evening when the kids are asleep, waiting for an appointment, etc.), and I truly enjoy making things for my kids that can't be bought in stores.

Mario mushroom and one of the cutest kids ever.

A red one, currently in-progress for my nephew.

Sewing: another thing that I am trying to learn on my own (thank God for Youtube!).  I do this when I have to be inside, but I don't have to be quiet, lol.  This is a hand bag that my daughter and I are making together.  She picked out the colors and the pattern, and it looks beautiful in person.

Not perfect, but that makes it better imo.
Cross-stitch (is your head spinning yet?): No pictures of finished works, but I'm trying desperately to finish two beautiful stockings for my kids before Christmas. 

If we had a yard, I would have a garden.  And chickens.  I miss my chickens and goats.  Instead, I have a small patio garden.

Bertha and two of her chicks.
Sweet Pea (came with the name but it fit, so...)
Sweet Pea and Sierra - they know I'm hiding.
ETA: Fishing!  I love fishing...well, at least when the fish are biting.  I'm terrible at it, though.  This is one of those things that I should have learned from my grandfather when he was still alive, but I was a teenager with better things to do at the time *sigh*.  I can catch little fish all day long, but decent-sized fish elude me....

Case in point, this tiny little bream.  The smile is because this particular trip was the first time I'd fished in over a decade (how old does it make me feel to say 'in over a decade' - geez!).

With my beautiful daughter in the background <3

My final hobby is trying to keep this guy out of trouble.

So handsome, so accident-prone. 
This happened late last month.  He actually had to have surgery to re-attach a tendon to one of his thumb joints.  He and Ruby both love to keep me on my toes.

Well, I think that's about it.  Even when I'm not riding, I have a ton going on but I like it that way :)


  1. Oooh! I so need to learn to crochet! And sew more than I do -- that handbag is BEAUTIFUL. Love the colors and pattern!!

    1. Thanks, but I can't take credit for that. My daughter really has an eye for color and pattern, while I definitely do not lol.

      Crochet is easy and fun. If you have a local mom-and-pop yarn store, they usually have classes for beginners.
