Friday, May 9, 2014

The last few days

Wednesday, our first day back at it, Ruby and I rode with Heather and Candy through the pastures.  She was very anxious for the first 20 minutes or so, actually calling to the horses at the barn (NOT like her), but considering she was in heat and is jade green, she was great.  She even stuck her face into the bridle as soon as I held it out.  However, I can say that she was very happy to get back to the barn - she's been out at night so daytime is rest-time lately. 

Yesterday, we practiced trotting around the arena.  Ruby gets pissy-mare-face when asked to trot.  It is probably due to the fact that she won't trot in a straight line or at a consistent speed, so I am unbalanced when she's trotting.  Until we get steering and speed control at the trot, I think I'll just two-point it from now on (I'm one of those weird people that has an easier time balancing while standing up; the size of my derriere makes this even less believable, but no less true).  Once she's comfortable toting me around at the trot, I'll bring in the posting and eventually, the sitting trot.

Today Ruby had a scabby, bug-bite-looking mark too close to her girth groove so we went for a walk around the neighborhood.  She was nice and calm, even when we were being approached by a truck doing 30-35 mph on our tiny road.  She spooked a little as the jackass flew by, but was otherwise fine.  She has a power-walk that puts most horses to shame but she slowed down for me when my feet started hurting, without me asking.  We didn't have any drama until we turned back onto the barn road.  At that point, another jackass (this time in a jacked-up diesel truck) decided to tear down the main (25 mph) road.  He had to be doing 40 or so by the time he passed our street (less than a quarter mile from where he started).  He spooked some calves in the pasture next to us, and the horses in the pasture on the other side of us.  That was exciting for fifteen seconds or so while Ruby tried to sort out whether we should also be running for our lives.  I don't understand the people that do things like that.  Would they drive by a dog like that, or someone walking by themselves or a lady pushing a stroller?  Doubtful.  So, what is it about horses that causes some drivers to turn into assholes?  I almost wonder if they want to cause a wreck.  I can only hope that one day, these same jerks have a daughter or granddaughter that sometimes rides her horse along the road - then maybe (I know, it's a stretch!) they'll get it. 

Nope, it's not a great picture but I love her 'my human is crazy' face!

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