Thursday, October 15, 2015

Two Rides

Yesterday afternoon
Two short rides this week, one on Sunday afternoon, one yesterday afternoon.  Ruby seems happy to be 'working' again - she has been amazing. We have trotted a few times for 2-3 minutes each time.  She must be feeling good, because she has been rather competitive with the other horses during these short trot stretches.  These rides have been very short: 2-3 laps around the pasture, maybe 30 minutes each.  I am watching her fetlock/lower leg closely and linimenting it after rides.  As we increase time in the saddle, she will start wearing her Equisleeves overnight.  I have her on MSM to help with inflammation; nothing stronger because I want her to feel it (and tell me) if we start doing too much.  I'm feeling hopeful, terrified,...and slightly obsessed. 

1 comment:

  1. She looks so nice in her blue tack and matching pad! I've got my fingers crossed for you guys!
