I debated on whether or not to post this, but in the interest of portraying an accurate picture of what some wannabe teams have to go through (everything is not sunshine and roses), here goes.
The new girth came yesterday, and it was all I could do to finish up my household stuff before heading to the barn to try it out.
First impression: it was thick and not as pliable as I thought it probably should be to work for Ruby (and it would probably have been closer to $300 or $400 if it was).
I got out to the barn, put a fresh trim on Ruby's fronts (doing hinds today), and tacked up. One thing I noticed right away, besides all the extra room between her fronts legs and the edge of the girth, was that I had to adjust my breast collar just to reach the girth...which was actually sitting in her girth groove. At this point, I was thinking that this could work.
Notice where the girth is sitting and that the breast collar buckle is not dangling. All the wetness is liberally-applied ShowSheen, just in case. Still waiting for the Chamois Butt'r to arrive. |
We walked to the round pen where I wanted to lunge her a bit to see how she moved. There was something....but maybe it was the because she was moving through sand? I only asked her to do a few circles in each direction, walk-trot, then I asked her to stop and checked the girth.
I'm sorry - I know it's from a different side but pics on her right side came out blurry. Notice that now the breast collar is hanging and the girth has moved forward. I'd already started to readjust the girth before I thought 'pics', so yeah, the billets. |
I readjusted the girth, stretched the mare's front legs, and walked her over to the mounting block. Then I started a timer. We stayed in the round pen. Ruby would occasionally stop and pin ears when asked to move again. As we continued, mare's attitude got progressively worse, though still not dangerous...but she was clearly frustrated that I wasn't 'hearing' what she was telling me.
I climbed down and walked her back to the barn.
Moved forward again. |
Dammit! After 9 minutes of walking on flat ground. |
She only rubbed on the left side, right side was fine. The girth was tightened to the same number of holes on both sides, and we did the same number of circles to the left and right, so I'm not sure why one side rubbed and not the other. This is what I'm thinking...I've mentioned previously that Ruby has dips behind her shoulder. They are more pronounced due to the amount of time she's had off. Perhaps the saddle is pushing forward into these dips with movement, which is causing these girth rubs - if this is the case, it is not extreme enough to be obvious to me, but maybe I need to be beat over the head with a mini-bat? Input is welcome. No more riding until the Skito (with lotsa shims) and Chamois Butt'r has arrived. Even then, I'm not sure this particular girth will work for her because it seems bulky and doesn't conform to her compared to the mohair girths. I'll give it one more try before I send it back, but will be getting off the second she stops of her own accord.
Update: checked Ruby's rub today and it looks much better. No broken skin, no swelling, etc. That doesn't mean it didn't hurt though :(
Update 2: I had a thought as I was drifting off to sleep last night. Maybe the girth was pulled forward by the breast collar. I have the breast collar fitted to Ruby pretty well. There is some leeway, but not much as I have had my saddle slip before - on a different and very round horse but it's not an experience that I ever want to have again (horse running through my aids, down and up a steep gulley, horse bolting at a 45 degree angle out of said gully when saddle slips...). If the shoulder straps are too tight, it's possible that everything is getting pulled forward just enough to cause issues. When Ruby is comfortable, she has a huge stride (for her size).
Jan 2014 |
Jan 2014 |
Sept 2014 |
So, my point is: it may be possible that her shoulder movement is pulling the breast collar forward, which is then pulling saddle, girth, or both forward as well. I have used the breast collar on several other horses at this point, always having to tweak the fit, so it may not be the same fit as it was late last year before we stopped riding. Our next rides (after the rub heals and the Skito arrives) will be sans breast collar before I give up on the new girth.
P.S. I'm going to feel really dumb if this the cause of our recent issues. But relieved as well, that it's such an easy fix.
Hmm...that is definitely a possibility! I've noticed a breastcollar I previously used pulling the girth forward as well. Fingers crossed that that's all it is!
ReplyDeleteThanks, me too :) I might round pen her tonight without the breast collar to see if the girth moves forward. The spot is pretty well healed now.