I've been wondering about this for a while, but it became truly apparent today. Abby may have something going on with her stifles or hips. I would think it is mostly likely arthritis, considering her age. This is what has been going on.
Our first round-penning session, I noticed Abby's short, choppy movement. She seems to move okay at the walk and canter, but her trot looked awful even though she moves evenly. It just doesn't flow, but I thought it was perhaps just her way of going with those short, little legs.
I have been doing a lot of mounting practice with her (from a mounting block to give her back a break). A few times, I've had a fellow boarder come out to watch and say, "She's so relaxed she has a hind foot cocked" when I've settled into the saddle. This seemed odd to me (horse is so scared she is trembling, but has a foot cocked???) and definitely didn't jive with the giraffe head we had going on until very recently...I didn't say anything but I suspected then that she was trying to take pressure off of one of her hinds.
Today, we round-penned again. It was a very cool morning and geez, was she full of it. Again, I watched her moving and could see something odd but couldn't pin-point what it was or where it was coming from. No head-bobbing or limping, it was just that her stride seemed to be shortened even when she was really moving out.
When she calmed down, I walked her out until she stopped blowing and she seemed to be moving fine. Heather came over in case I needed help while I mounted up. I wasn't able to get any forward movement on my own so she came and grabbed the halter to lead Abby around for a few steps. As soon as Abby moved forward, I knew something was wrong. It was like she was snatching both of her hind feet forward when it was time to move them. I climbed down and we both watched her walk. It is not obvious, but there is something going on here.
I hope it's only a little arthritis. I let Jennie know what's going on and I've started Abby on both MSM and B-L. There is no heat or swelling anywhere that Heather and I can find. Her feet seem solid. She's going to get the next two days off, hopefully she'll be moving better by Friday.
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