Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thinking out loud (again)

So, it's that time again, the time to make plans that may or may not come to fruition.  Lists like these help keep me motivated.

Greenway Getaway - Jan 2 & 3, 2015.  This ride has an intro ride both days. A barn buddy of mine has a TWH gelding that she wants to take as well.  I think I have the babysitter figured out, and if my barn buddy goes I'll have both a back-up trailer and truck.  This might actually happen (crossing fingers).  For now, I'm going to train as if I've already sent in my check.  I'm not worried too much about Ruby, I'm much more concerned with being a good partner.  Because I can't run or even walk very far, I will do what I can with strength training.

Hunter Paces - the local fox hunting club holds a hunter pace once a month.  They have several divisions, including flat.  I want to make it to one of these sometime in the next few months.  I've always wanted to fox hunt.  I don't plan to gallop over hill and dale, but rather just concentrate on keeping a steady trotting rhythm over the course...for now.  

Possible endurance pace?  I've been toying with the idea with checking interest for an endurance-paced trail ride in this area.  First I will have to locate an experienced endurance rider to lead it, though, so this may not happen.

Fun shows, as I can.  Things are picking up around here as everyone wakes up out of their summer hibernation.  Horse shows are going on every weekend, so I will try to make it to a few as a fun little side job for Ruby.

And since it's Veteran's Day, I thought I'd drop this here: SGT Reckless. If you have a few minutes, read this mare's amazing story.  People aren't the only heroes in war.

And, a funny that I saw on FB the other day - I laughed so hard that my kids had to come over to see what was so funny.  I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought about it!


  1. These sound like great plans! I'm very excited for you! Do you think you'll do one or both Intro Rides?

    I LAUGHED with the cartoon! I think this EVERY time I see a golf field...hahaha! That perfectly manicured grass is just begging to be galloped on!

    Loved the Sgt Reckless story. And thank you for serving our country. :)

    1. For now, just the one intro ride - due to time constraints, not Ruby's ability. Depending on how I do on the ride, we may be able to squeeze our first LD in before the end of the season. We shall see!

      As for the golf course, it is so tempting, isn't it? Maybe one of these days ;)

      As for SGT Reckless, I think too many people forget it's not only people that get deployed to the front lines. I believe they are making a movie about her; I'll definitely be heading to the theater if they do!
