Thursday, October 9, 2014


Bourbon - 'OMFG, we're all gonna DIE!!!'
The last time Heather went to one of these obstacle challenges, they rigged up a rope to a metal trash can lid.  The rope was thrown over a tree branch.  Inside the trash can, was a balloon with a face drawn on it.  The rider grabs the rope and backs their horse away from the trash can, balloon pops out, rider releases lid which then crashes back onto the can.  Ruby is pretty steady but I don't want her to come home from the obstacle challenge with a complex, so we practiced this 'obstacle' today. 

Most of the barn horses reacted like Bourbon did above.  Rolling eyes, snorting, etc.

Honey badger don't care
Ruby was another story, she had better things to do - such as grazing, thank you.

Honestly, the video is completely boring.  I tried to get some kind of reaction, by banging the lid down on the can a few times, still nothing.  Even when the balloon escaped and started drifting  towards us.  She was watching and curious but not jumpy.  She is awesome :)

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