Thursday, August 14, 2014

So far this week

Note: Multi-day posts are written on the day referenced, so will say today, tomorrow, etc. even if posted days later. 

Sunday: I trimmed Ruby's hooves and measured her front feet for boots.  They are 4.75" long and 4.75" wide.  I've put up an ad or two looking for used boots, either Renegades or Easyboot Gloves.  I would like to try out both types to see which fit Ruby best before spending the money for new.  Buying the wrong boots would be an expensive mistake. 

Monday: I finally got to see why there were so many road maintenance vehicles parked on the barn road - they were getting set up to re-pave it this morning.  I debated riding along the road today but I had one last hope for finding a back way into the park, so I saddled up.  I had to walk between some parked vehicles and the 'crazy horse' pasture - there was just enough room.  Ruby was much more concerned about the horses than the moving, beeping, steaming equipment a few feet away on the road.  I walked her down to the first corner before mounting up and rode to the area in question.  It looks like it needs to be explored on foot before asking a horse to follow - I might do that tomorrow.  On the way back, during one of Ruby's 'we're not going fast enough' episodes, I heard the distinct clink-clink of glass.  Luckily she didn't get cut, or even seem to notice but I'll feel much better when we've got boots! I dismounted after the next curve and walked her back home with no issues.  Oh, and my Evolution bridle from Rock Moss Endurance came in the mail! 

Tuesday: I got to try out my new bridle from Moss Rock.  I was very worried going into this - the last bitless bridle that I tried was horribly designed and has been sent back.  I should have trusted though; Lisa knows her stuff and designed this bridle herself.  First, I went to fit it as a halter:

I ended up taking the throat latch up a hole or two after this picture; but it fits!  Ruby is trying not to fall asleep.

So far, so good.  I finished tacking up and decided to try it as a side pull first.  I took her for a spin around the barnyard and she was doing very well - a huge improvement over the last bridle, in which she acted like she had no idea when I was asking for a stop.  Now I was really starting to look forward to trying it as a cross-under bitless bridle.  Ruby was fantastic while I finagled my way through getting the reins on properly.  I decided to stay in the barnyard while she got used to it.  Again, she was very responsive; barely a squeeze of my fingers was enough to get a turn or stop.  I was very happy to see that this particular bitless does not have the release issue that some have.  She was doing so well that I decided to put it through the ultimate on-property test: riding in the larger arena with the gate open.  Ruby has two main bad habits. The first is that, in this arena in particular, she will try to go towards the gate.  She doesn't head towards the gate, she will turn her head in the direction you are asking, but she will bend her body towards it and before you know it, you're doing a half pass towards the gate.  Her second bad habit is that walking is not always fast enough in her eyes - she wants to trot All. The. Time.  Generally speaking she was respectful of the side pull, but there were times that I had to be much harsher than I wanted.  Occasionally at the end of a trail ride, she would have a small rubbed spot on her nose from the rawhide nose band.  I was very happy to see that she cannot blow through this bridle.  Whereas it would sometimes take me 6-7 strides of trot to bring her back to a walk, I was able to do it in 1-2.  She was also unable to blow through my cues and drift towards the gate.   I am more than pleased with this bridle, I'm ecstatic! 

Things I like about the design: the part of the reins that cross under the jaw are a thinner width, which seems to ensure that there are no hang-ups when giving the horse their release.  The throat latch lays flat (does it bug anyone else when they twist awkwardly?).  There is only one piece of beta over the poll, so there is no chance that the horse's skin will be pinched or mane/forelock will be pulled.  The browband is long enough that the cheek pieces aren't too close to the eyes, and there will be no pinching near the ears.  Lisa really did a great job designing this bridle.  Heather is going to try it out on Candy tomorrow; she may be putting in an order of her own soon. 

And a quick little side note - Ruby threw in two strides of canter on Tuesday when we were supposed to be trotting.  This is the first time we've done anything over a trot as I wanted to get some other issues straightened out first (including my own!).  She was very balanced but I brought her back down to a trot immediately because I hadn't asked for a canter.  Soon, my dear!

Wednesday: Ruby got a day off while Heather tried out the new bitless on Candy.  Not sure yet that this bridle will work on a more stubborn, less sensitive horse.  She only had a few minutes to try it out so wasn't able to get a good feel for it.

Thursday: a busy day! My kids had their school orientation this morning and the hubby is taking me to a concert tonight.  I have plans (that hopefully won't need to be cancelled again!) to go trail riding tomorrow.  So, no riding for me today; Ruby's starting to look at me like I'm forgetting something :)

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