Saturday, March 1, 2014


Our little jaunt off-property brought into sharp relief some of the items that I still have not purchased because I haven't needed them.  So, I've been doing some shopping in the last two days.

Fly/tick spray - I just haven't needed it - until I did when those little buggers were crawling all over her neck and chest after our ride *shudder*
Fly mask - again, haven't needed it.  Because it's so warm here, most people have open trailers and hay/road/etc. can blow into their eyes.  Heather had an extra that she let me borrow for the trailer ride.
Shampoo - her body stays clean, but her lower legs are always dirty - no more!
Fanny pack - I haven't done enough research to feel comfortable buying a pommel or cantle pack, so we picked up a $10 fanny pack yesterday. It comes with two water bottles and the belt is very soft/stretchy - should be great on rides until I get real saddle bags.
Reflective vest - for riding along the road. 

Earlier in the week, I went shopping for supplements.
Pure MSM - didn't know that you could get straight MSM until I saw it at the tack shop.  I have since read online that it causes some horses to get jumpy so I'll keep an eye on Ruby.  It is a banned substance in the AERC, but I want to protect her joints.  The current plan is to feed everyday until a week or so before a ride, and pick up again afterwards.
Wormer - she was wormed right before coming out but vet said the fecal came back positive.
More psyllium - I've been feeding her a bran mash every Wednesday and did a round of sand-clear and she STILL had sand in her poo when the vet came out.  Vet suggested a week double-dosing, so I'll re-check her poo tomorrow.

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