Friday, January 3, 2014


So my riding has basically been stagnating for a little while now.  I was getting more comfortable, but not really progressing until three lessons ago.  At the beginning of that lesson, I just couldn't get it together.  I was all over the saddle, balancing myself on my hands (also known as poor Eclipse's mouth) - it was ugly.  After a few laps of this, Marie put me on the lunge line.  At first, I was a little disappointed - I knew that I wasn't doing what I was supposed to, but I haven't been on a lunge line in months!  We did a lot of work towards developing an independent seat and also learning to ride vertically - I have a bad habit of leaning forward while riding.  Anyway, by the end of that lesson, I was riding so much better.  I could feel how much better. That day I told Marie that I wanted to forgo all jumping and just work on my seat.  I cannot tell you how much I've improved, but even at the beginning of a lesson I'm doing tons better.  This last lesson, I rode almost the entire time without stirrups, this included two-point at the trot, posting the trot, and of course, canter work.  My butt rarely comes out of the saddle unless I want it to, and I can't remember the last time that Eclipse had to support me with his mouth.  Phew!

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