Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In the meantime...

My riding abilities are increasing by leaps and bounds.  I'm not a great rider, but I'm surprising myself.  Things are starting to click and I'm completely comfortable in the saddle - even on unfamiliar horses going faster than asked, or not turning like they should.  This is a huge improvement for me.

And, there's always Bourbon.  Bourbon's toe crack has nearly grown out and he's sound.  Yesterday we started work again.  His usual saddle doesn't seem to fit quite right, so I tried my hubby's western - much better.  It looks pretty spiffy on him too.

He still has bucking on the brain and isn't the happiest that he may have to become gainfully employed, which is the reason for the western saddle - when you're used to an English saddle, you feel like you could ride through hell and back in a good western saddle.  Let's hope that none of our rides will be quite that exciting though, shall we? 

He's been very fresh when round-penning, then settles down nicely and starts to think.  I'll probably wait for his on-order bit to get here before I clamber up there.  Hopefully by early next week.  Until then, we'll continue to work on ground exercises and getting his brain working.

Oh, and tomorrow, I'll be heading over to meet a lady with a mustang rescue.  She has a couple of horses that she wants me to take a look at.  Crossing fingers. 

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