Thursday, August 8, 2013

Never sell your saddle

Last November when I watched my horse leave in someone else's trailer, I thought I'd never own another horse again. I didn't want to - I'd had my shot and blew it.  I let fear creep into my mind and convince me that I couldn't do all the things I wanted to do with my horse.  What a load of crap, wow.  It seemed impossible at the time, but I'm sure I could have found the time and cash for a few riding lessons here or there. I could have ridden Karma around her paddock, working on transitions - something!  But fear of failure and possibly turning my horse into a monster left me paralyzed.  I didn't think I deserved another shot.  Did someone steal my big girl panties?  I'm sure I had a pair somewhere...

So, I tried to sell my saddle.  Wonder of wonders, no one wanted to pay my asking price for such a monstrosity as this, even with the Toklat woolback and Equipedic saddle pads.

Btw, the knee roll looks faded for some reason, but I assure you it isn't.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the most comfortable saddle I have ever had the pleasure to squeeze my ghetto-sized butt into.  My first time truly riding in it was during a trail competition - loads of fun, if you ever get to attend one, btw!  My horse and I pulled a log through a small obstacle course and it was completely secure.  And when I climbed down off my horse a few hours later, there was no stiff knee syndrome. I was in love. 

Anyways, the moral of the story is, don't ever, under any circumstances, sell your saddle.  Things might seem bleak right now, but push through.  When you finally locate your big girl panties, you'll be glad you held on to your saddle.  My saddle has a ton of good memories attached to it, and I'm so glad it's still with me. 

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